High School / Adult Course Catalog

Please click on the course title for a complete course description and course unit titles.  Click on the “Register Now” icon to enroll!  An “*” next to the title indicates this courses is suitable for students 5th through 8th grade.

 Animal Science I

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Animal Science I is an introductory course in animal husbandry. This course will give the students general animal science skills. This course will provide the students with the basic education to successfully complete advanced animal science courses. It will discuss basic animal physiology, digestion, reproduction and genetics. It is highly recommended that Animal Science I be taken prior to the Veterinary Science, Equine Science and advanced Animal Science courses. Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent basic animal science skills that will lead to successful completion of upper level animal science courses.

Animal Science II

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Animal Science II is the follow up course to the Animal Science I class. This course will give the students general animal science skills. This course will provide the students with the basic education to successfully complete advanced animal science courses. It will discuss basic animal health, immunity and vaccines, basic beef, dairy, swine and sheep and goat production, horses, aquaculture and animal science issues.   It is highly recommended that Animal Science I and II be taken prior to the Veterinary Science, Equine Science and advanced Animal Science courses. Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent basic animal science skills that will lead to successful completion of upper level animal science courses.

NOTE:  Although there is not a prerequisite for the following Animal Science courses, we highly recommend taking the Animal Science I and II courses above prior to taking the following advanced Animal Science courses.  Contact Mr. Nelson at 406-783-8552 with questions.

Animal Science — Swine Production

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Animal Science Swine Production explores the Swine industry and puts emphasis on breeding, feeding and raising production pork.  The course identifies the different swine breeds, selecting productive breeding and feeder hogs, swine nutrition, weaning management and proper swine health.  Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding and skills of proper swine production practices.  Students will have the skills to consider starting a personal farrow and / or feeder operation or consider one of the many career opportunities in the swine production field.

Animal Science — Sheep Production

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Animal Science Sheep Production explores the Ovine industry and puts emphasis on breeding, feeding and raising production sheep.  The course identifies the different sheep breeds, selecting productive breeding and feeder sheep, sheep nutrition, weaning management and proper ovine health.  Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding and skills of proper sheep production practices.  Students will have the skills to consider starting a personal ovine production flock, or consider one of the many career opportunities in the ovine production field.

Animal Science — Beef Production

Beef Quality Certification

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Animal Science Beef Production explores the beef industry and puts emphasis on breeding, feeding and raising production beef.  The course identifies the different beef breeds, selecting productive breeding and feeder cattle, beef nutrition, weaning management and proper beef health.  Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding of proper beef production practices.  Students will have the skills to start a personal beef production herd, or consider one of the many career opportunities in the beef production field.

Note:  The Veterinary Science I and II below DO NOT quality for the Veterinary Assistant program. The Veterinary Assistant Courses listed below DO qualify for the Veterinary Assistant program.

Veterinary Science I

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Veterinary Science I explores the basic systems of animals.  The course discusses animal cells and tissues, explores the skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, renal, reproductive, digestive, nervous, endocrine and immune systems.  The course also covers basic animal health and nutrition, and explores veterinary sciences careers.  Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent animal husbandry and vet skills that will help them proceed with animal and veterinary science curriculum and career exploration.

Veterinary Science II

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Veterinary Sciences II complements the Veterinary Sciences I course by exploring the disease component of animal health.  The course explores the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of several animal diseases.  Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills to consider further education as a Veterinarian, Veterinarian Technician, or other animal science career.

NOTE:  The following two courses are the required courses for the Veterinary Assistant Certification program.  Veterinary Science I and II above do not qualify for the program.

Veterinary Assistant Certification I

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Veterinary Assistant Certification I is the first of two courses REQUIRED to complete the Veterinary Assistant Certificate program. This class is open to all students regardless of your intention to complete the Veterinary Assistant Certificate program. This class will include curriculum from Animal Care Technology which is required for the Veterinary Assistant Certificate. This certification is not required in North Dakota and the course does not have an MISO3 code. Veterinary Assistant Certification I explores the basic systems of animals. The course discusses animal cells and tissues, explores the skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, renal, reproductive, digestive, nervous, endocrine and immune systems. The course also covers basic animal health and nutrition and explores veterinary sciences careers. Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent animal husbandry and vet skills that will help them proceed with the Veterinary Assistant Certificate. Students completing this series of courses will still need to take an additional certification exam and are responsible for the required fees.

Veterinary Assistant Certification II

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Veterinary Assistant Certification II is the second REQUIRED course for the Veterinary Assistant Certification program. This class is open to all students regardless of your intention to complete the Veterinary Assistant Certificate program. This class will include curriculum from Animal Care Technology which is required for the Veterinary Assistant Certificate. This certification is not required in North Dakota and the course does not have an MISO3 code. The Veterinary Assistant Certification II course complements the Veterinary Assistant Certification I course by exploring the disease component of animal health. The course explores the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of several animal diseases. Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills to complete the Veterinary Assistant Certificate program or additional Veterinary education and careers. Students completing this series of courses will still need to take an additional certification exam and are responsible for the required fees.

Equine Science I

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Equine Science I explores the basic concepts regarding horses, donkeys and mules.  The course discusses equine physiology, genetics, reproduction, digestion and basic equine health.  Upon completion of this course, students will have the basic knowledge to successfully complete the equine science II course, and explore potential careers in the equine industry.

Equine Science I: FFA and SAE (18101A002)

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Equine Science I explores the basic concepts regarding horses, donkeys and mules.  The course discusses equine physiology, genetics, reproduction, digestion basic equine health, explores FFA programs and events, and expanding your Supervised Agricultural Experience program.  Upon completion of this course, students will have the basic knowledge to successfully complete the equine science II course, and explore potential careers in the equine industry.

Equine Science II

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Equine Science II complements the Equine Science I course by exploring horse feeding management, foaling, & equine dental care.  Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills to properly care for personal horses or consider one of the many careers in the equine sciences.

Equine Science III

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Equine Science III complements the Equine Science I & II course by exploring horse health management, behavior and training. Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills to properly care for personal horses or consider one of the many careers in the equine sciences.

Animal Science – Poultry Production

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Poultry Science is an avian course in animal husbandry. This course will provide the students with the basic education to successfully own and operate an operation of poultry birds or work in the poultry industry. It will discuss poultry history, avian anatomy and biology, reproduction and fertilization, various species, breeds and varieties, disease and prevention, housing and production, nutrition and feeding, health, poultry contracts and modern production, poultry and products inspection, backyard poultry, consumer needs and niche marketing. It is highly recommended (NOT required) that Animal Science I and II be taken prior to the specific animal science courses such as Poultry Science. Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent basic poultry science skills that will lead to a successful career in the poultry and animal science industry.

NOTE:  All Farm Business Management classes are intended for students who plan to return to their farms/ranches as a career.  This is NOT for those students who want a career in an Agribusiness such a supply store manager.  SEE Agribusiness courses below.

Introduction to Farm Business Management

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Farm Business Management I explores the basic management concepts.  The course discusses planning operations, labor costs, labor relations, farm machinery efficiency, the pros and cons of leasing versus ownership of farm equipment, and the use of custom operators.  The course also discusses many of the career opportunities in the farm business industry.  Upon completion of this course, students will have the necessary basic farm business skills to successfully complete upper level farm business management coursework and continue to explore the many careers in the farm business industry.

Farm Business Management — Financial Planning

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Farm Business Management Financial Planning complements the Farm Business Management I course by exploring financial planning tools required by producers in production agriculture and agribusiness. The course explores producing a business plan, budgeting, accounting, farm record systems, and measuring financial strength and progress. Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained valuable financial planning skills that along with other Farm Business Management courses will prepare students for a career in production agriculture or agribusiness.

Farm Business Management — Production Decisions

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Farm Business Management Production Decisions complements the Farm Business Management I course by exploring the decision-making process in production agriculture. The course explores sources for management information including extension sources, deciding to diversify or specialize, selecting profitable crop and livestock enterprises, expansion decisions, and choosing organic vs. conventional farming practices. Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained valuable decision-making skills that, along with other Farm Business Management courses, will prepare students for a career in production agriculture or agribusiness.

Farm Business Management — Credit and Financing

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Farm Business Management Credit complements the Farm Business Management I course by exploring banking and obtaining credit required by producers in production agriculture and agribusiness.  The course explores how to choose a lender, farm credit system banks, GSE credit sources, and Farm Service Agency loans.  The course also puts emphasis on credit decision making skills such as loan repayment estimations, using farm records to help obtain credit, calculating interest and loan payments, operating loans, consolidation loans, and when to expand your operation or reduce your debt.  Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained valuable banking and credit skills that along with other Farm Business Management courses will prepare students for a career in production agriculture or agribusiness.

NOTE:  The Agribusiness classes are for those students wanting a career in an Ag Business such as a supply store manager.  This is NOT for those students who wish to return to their Farm or Ranch as a career.  See Farm Business Management courses above.

Agribusiness I

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Agribusiness II complements the Agribusiness I course by exploring the skills needed to start an effective and successful agribusiness.  The course explores the decision making process of starting an agribusiness, researching and finding the correct Ag business for your area, and producing a good business plan.  The course also discusses legal issues pertaining to starting and operating an Ag business, managing the business as well as managing risks and liabilities.  Promoting, pricing, marketing and selling are covered along with finding good employees and proper management of the employees.  The course also discusses business taxes and estate planning.  This is a good all-around course for developing skills to start and manage an Agribusiness.

Agribusiness II

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Agribusiness II complements the Agribusiness I course by exploring the skills needed to start an effective and successful agribusiness.  The course explores the decision making process of starting an agribusiness, researching and finding the correct Ag business for your area, and producing a good business plan.  The course also discusses legal issues pertaining to starting and operating an Ag business, managing the business as well as managing risks and liabilities.  Promoting, pricing, marketing and selling are covered along with finding good employees and proper management of the employees.  The course also discusses business taxes and estate planning.  This is a good all-around course for developing skills to start and manage an Agribusiness.

Arc and Gas Welding Theory

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The Arc and Gas Welding course will explore arc welding safety, principals of arc welding, selecting electrodes, welding mild steel, evaluating welds, MIG and TIG welding, striking an arc, gas welding safety, gas welding equipment, fusion filler, brazing and gas cutting.  This is a theory course and is intended to prepare students for an onsite welding lab course.

Plant Science

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Plant Science explores plant growth concepts necessary for students who plan to study crop sciences, range science and other agronomy courses. The course discusses plant taxonomy, structure of plants, anatomy of plants, basic soil properties, essential nutrient requirements, photosynthesis, plant growth basics, propagation of plants, and the role of water in plants.  Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained valuable plant growth skills that will prepare students for crop science courses and/or a career in the many areas of plant sciences and agronomy.

Plant Science: FFA and SAE (18003A001) *

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Plant Science explores plant growth concepts necessary for students who plan to study crop sciences, range science and other agronomy courses. The course discusses plant taxonomy, structure of plants, anatomy of plants, basic soil properties, essential nutrient requirements, photosynthesis, plant growth basics, propagation of plants, the role of water in plants, FFA Proficiency, local, state and national awards and what role the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program plays with awards and applications.  Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained valuable plant growth skills that will prepare students for crop science courses and/or a career in the many areas of plant sciences and agronomy.

Crop Science

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Crop Science explores herbicides, chemical, fertilizers (including manure), integrated pest management, pesticide use and safety, and basic grazing management practices.  This course will provide students with the necessary tools and skills to further their education in plant, range and crop sciences and begin to explore the many career opportunities in the field of crop and plant sciences.

Greenhouse Technologies I

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Greenhouse Technology explores building and maintaining a greenhouse.  The course discusses greenhouse plant nutrient management, greenhouse irrigation, greenhouse weeds and pest management and disease problems.  A section will discuss utilizing hydroponics in the greenhouse.  Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding of how greenhouses operate both in a personal or retail situation, and have the knowledge and skills to complete courses in horticulture and floriculture.  Students will have the skills to consider a personal greenhouse or the many career opportunities in the greenhouse, horticulture and floriculture industries.

Greenhouse Technologies II:  Hydroponics

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Greenhouse Technology II: Hydroponics explores implementing and utilizing hydroponics in a greenhouse or other suitable environments. The course discusses feeding hydroponic plants, hydroponic growing mediums, Water Culture vs. Aggregate Culture Systems, Wicking Hydroponic Systems, Deep Water Culture (DWC) Hydroponics Systems, Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Hydroponic Systems, Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain) Hydroponic Systems, Drip Hydroponic Systems, Selecting Hydroponic Crops, and Diagnosing Problems in a Hydroponic System. Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding of how greenhouses operate under hydroponic practices. Students will have the skills to consider using hydroponics in their personal or business greenhouse or the many career opportunities in the greenhouse, horticulture and floriculture industries.

Agricultural Careers *

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The agriculture careers course will explore many of the nearly 300 plus careers agriculture has to offer.  The course will discuss how to conduct and explore a career search, how to draw on your experiences to consider a career, and explore several agriculture related careers.  The students will be conducting personal career searches to determine which careers they may be interested in.  Upon completion of this course, students will be able to determine if agriculture offers an exciting career for them and have the skills to begin educating themselves to proceed towards a career goal.

Leadership *

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The leadership course explores the many aspects and skills needed to become a good leader.  The course discusses how to become a good leader, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, and leadership goal setting.   Upon completion of this course, students will have learned the necessary skills to become strong and effective leaders.

Leadership with FFA Units *

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The leadership course explores the many aspects and skills needed to become a good leader.  The course discusses how to become a good leader, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, and leadership goal setting.   Upon completion of this course, students will have learned the necessary skills to become strong and effective leaders.

Introduction to Agriculture *

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This course consists of a variety of agriculture related subjects to help students discover and explore the many area’s of study and career opportunities in the agriculture field.  The course will explore Animal Science (Beef, Sheep and Swine), Veterinary Science, Leadership, Agriculture Careers, Equine Science, Farm Business Management, Agribusiness, Crop Science and Biotechnology.  The purpose of the course is to allow students explore many agricultural areas to help them determine what areas they would like to explore and learn in the upper level courses.

Introduction to Agriculture: FFA and SAE (18001A001) *

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This course is designed for students who are or planning to become an FFA member.  This class will assist the student in becoming a good FFA member and understand the inner workings of the FFA and AgEd program.  This course consists of a variety of agriculture related subjects to help students discover and explore the many area’s of study and career opportunities in the agriculture field.  The course will explore Animal Science (Beef, Sheep and Swine), Veterinary Science, Leadership, Agriculture Careers, Equine Science, Farm Business Management, Agribusiness, Crop Science,Biotechnology, History of FFA, FFA Creed, and the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program.  The purpose of the course is to allow students explore many agricultural areas to help them determine what areas they would like to explore and learn in the upper level courses.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Nelson at mrnelson@allagonline.com or call him at 406-487-5455 (office) or 783-8552 (cell & text).