Crop Science

Length: 1 semester
Grade Level: 9-12, Adult
Cost: $299
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Crop Science explores herbicides, chemical, fertilizers (including manure), integrated pest management, pesticide use and safety, and basic grazing management practices.  This course will provide students with the necessary tools and skills to further their education in plant, range and crop sciences and begin to explore the many career opportunities in the field of crop and plant sciences.

Important Crops

  • CS116 Corn
  • CS117 Soybeans
  • CS119 Wheat
  • CS120 Barley
  • CS121 Oats
  • CS123 Food Legumes
  • CS124 Forage Legumes and Grasses
  • CS125 Sugar beets and Sugarcane
  • CS127 Other Oilseed Crops
  • CS128 Specialty Crops

Crop Technology

  • CS101 Reducing Herbicide Rates
  • CS105 Calculating Fertilizer Needs and Costs
  • CS107 Calculating Nutrient Credits for Crops
  • CS109 Using Fertilizer Based on Soil Texture
  • CS110 Fertilizer Value of Applied Manure
  • CS111 Using Manure as Fertilizer
  • CS112 Manure as Nitrogen Source for Corn
  • CS113 City Sewage Use on Crop Land
  • CS114 Fertility and Alfalfa Winter Injury
  • CS208 Understanding Integrated Pest Management
  • CS209 The Purpose of Using Pesticides
  • CS210 Reading Chemical Container Labels
  • CS211 Understanding Pesticide Safety
  • CS212 Using Pesticides Responsibly
  • CS213 Calibrating Pesticide Equipment
  • CS024 Better Pastures Needed
  • CS025 Alternative Perennial Forage Systems
  • CS026 Alternative Perennial Grass Crops
  • CS027 Ensiled Feeds
  • CS028 Grazing Management
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